
See Why I Need to Lose Weight?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Why Am I Exercising and Why Am I Blogging About It?

Ok, why am I exercising? Well, I am 39 years old, turning 40 in November and I've been overweight for about 20 years now. Every year I keep telling myself "this will be my year!". I'd start out with great intentions only to fall back into old habits and I gave up. But inching towards my 40 birthday has given me a new perspective. I need to get myself healthy for my family and for my longevity. One day I decided I am NOT carrying this weight into my 40's and 50's! But what would work?

I thought the Wii Fit seemed like a good idea because I could do it in my own home whenever I wanted and not have to pay for a babysitter or expensive membership or be embarrassed exercising in front of others. I tried it out at a friends house and I really liked it, so I requested it for Christmas for the family. And I got it!!!

Why blog about it? Well, I thought maybe someone else might be encouraged to try this too and maybe thing they could do it! And it's good for me to talk through things sometimes about WHY I eat poorly.

So I started it one week ago today, January 12, 2010. My starting weight: 205.0 pounds and in the obese category (duh!)

Here's what I've been doing every morning:
I start with Strength Training.
I do 10 each side of Arm & Leg lifts. High score: 98.
Then Rowing Squats, 15 one time through. High score: 100.
Next comes Aerobics.
Hula Hoop 1 or 2 times for three minutes each. High score: 278
Rhythm Boxing basic one time for three minutes. High score: 328
Basic Step one time for three minutes. High score: 292
Advance Step two times for three minutes each. High score: 589

My current short term goal: lose 20 pounds by the end of February.

So far here's my progress: Starting weight 1-12-10 was 205.0
Weight as of 1-19-10 was 198.9

Total weight loss so far: 6.1 pounds in the first week!!!!!

Other stuff I'm doing differently:
1. Cut out all pop (or soda for you Marylanders!)
2. Cut out all fast food (which is interesting since I work at Chick-fil-A)
3. Cut out all sweets other than a once in a while treat.
4. Drink lots of water each day
5. Eat foods as close to nature as I can

So that's what I'm doing! Stay tuned, picture will follow so you can watch me shrink!!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Amy!!!

    You can SO do it. These are great healthy choices! I look forward to hearing more! =)
